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Waterfront pool renovations
Waterfront pool renovations

Waterfront pool renovations


WATERFRONT POOL RENOVATION, established in 1991, is a specialist business dedicated to fixing your pool renovation or structural repair needs.
Even though a well-built, properly maintained pool may never need to be repaired, over a period of time, deterioration is inevitable.
Minor leaks or problems can sometimes be fixed yourself. However old painted shells often peel, vinyl may puncture or tear, and marble plaster can eventually wear thin, become rough or even crack. Stubborn algae (particularly black algae), which is not checked may lead to deterioration which has to be repaired, and surrounds and copings may need to be replaced. Fibreglass pools which have faded or show osmosis can be re-lined and cracks can be repaired if necessary.
Fibreglass liners which have reached the end of their service life will have to be replaced.
Weirs, lights and aimflows may also need to be modernized. For these major repairs we offer our specialized services at reasonable charges.
As an owner-managed business, we are better able to offer you the detailed and specific repairs you need. With our practical hands-on approach you are assured that our quality is as good as can be achieved. We definitely offer you a better service and quality than obtained from larger service companies. We are members of the Master builders and Allied Trades association and are proud of our numerous NSPI Gold awards for renovation which we have been awarded over the years. We have renovated over 5,000 pools over more than twenty years.

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Cape Town, South Africa


Cape Town, South Africa

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Renovating Moms

Member since 3 years ago
  • megan@renovatingmoms.com
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